Global settings

> Published on Sun, 3 Dec 2023, 17:46> Updated on Sun, 16 Feb 2025, 20:56


The following cosmetic settings are available in the simple-bar settings global's tab:

  • auto theme: Theme is always in sync with macOS appearance. Default is true.
  • dark theme: Theme is dark. Default is false.
  • light theme: Theme is light. Default is false.
  • Floating bar: Move the bar to the top and left of the screen. Default is false.
  • No bar background: Remove the bar background. Default is false.
  • No colors in data: Make the data widgets monochrome. Default is false.
  • Bottom bar: This settings moves the bar to the bottom of the screen. Default is false.
  • Side decoration (Apple logo) : Enable the apple logo visible next to the spaces widget. Default is false.
  • Disable notifications: Disable notifications on data widget click. Default is false.
  • Compact mode: The bar is smaller. Default is true.
  • Use background color as foreground for spaces & process: All background colors and use the removed color for all the foreground texts for processes and spaces. Default is false.
  • Use background color as foreground for widgets: All background colors and use the removed color for all the foreground texts for data widgets. Default is false.
  • Global font: Define the font for all the widgets. Default is "JetBrains Mono, Monaco, Menlo, monospace".
  • Font size: Define the font size for all the widgets. You can use any css unit. It can particulary be usefull if you have displays with different pixel density and different scaling factor in which case you can set a value with a relative viewport unit like 1vh. Be careful to not set a value too high as it could break all simple-bar interface as this setting is used for every texts. Default is "11px".


  • yabai path: Determine the path to the yabai binary. Default is "/usr/local/bin/yabai".
  • aerospace path: Determine the path to the aerospace binary. Default is "/opt/homebrew/bin/aerospace".
  • Which window or space manager are you using? : Determine the window manager used by simple-bar to display spaces & processes: yabai, aerospace or flashspace. Default is "yabai".
  • Which terminal should user facing commands be run in? : Define the terminal used by simple-bar to run commands. Default is "terminal".
  • Enable simple-bar-server connection: Enable websocket connection to the server in each data widget. You must install and launch simple-bar-server before activating this setting. Default is false.
  • simple-bar-server socket port: Determine the port on which the websockets will be opened. Check you simple-bar-server config file to get the right port if you changed it. Default is 7777.
  • yabai Refresh spaces & process with simple-bar-server: Enable websocket connection to the server in spaces & process widgets. You must install and launch simple-bar-server before activating this setting. Default is false.
  • AeroSpace Refresh spaces with simple-bar-server: Enable websocket connection to the server in spaces & process widgets. You must install and launch simple-bar-server before activating this setting. Default is false.
  • FlashSpace Refresh spaces with simple-bar-server: Enable websocket connection to the server in spaces widgets. You must install and launch simple-bar-server before activating this setting. Default is false.
  • With which shell do you want to execute simple-bar scripts?: Depending on your preference you can choose between these 3 shell for all simple-bar scripts execution: sh, bash, dash. Default is "sh".


  • Widget max width: Determine the maximum width of the widgets in px. Default is "160px".
  • Sliding animation speed: Determine the speed of the sliding animation for widgets with overflowing text. Default is "4". The higher the "Sliding animation pace" value, the faster the texts slides (must be > 0).
  • Inline spaces options: Spaces options are displayed in the bar on the right of the hovered space.
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